Friday, November 15, 2013

Between Two Bridges

Any of you who know me well, know that I am my own worst enemy; despite the blazing, powerful self-confidence I exude, I am incredibly critical of myself. Those who don't know me well are probably thinking, "Yeah, right. Hmph." Whatevs. Anyway....on my mind lately is how much we compare ourselves to others, and how desperately we "think" we long to be like others, or if we are really honest, covet the role we perceive that others have in church, work, and life in general.

I'm a stinkin' 47-year old professional woman, for cryin' out loud, and I still struggle with this all-too-human issue of viewing what I think is the greener grass on the other side of the fence (without remembering that grass also has to be cut).

I see others around me, at work, at church, and in my day-to-day dealings, who are extremely competent and talented people. I observe their successes and become a tad envious (failing to remember I've had success), or when I'm really down on myself, I secretly delight in what I see as a slight trip-up in their efforts, while quietly covering up my own mistakes. Sorry, just being brutally honest.

I know what the problem is. It is Satan. It is his job, dirty dog that he is, to creep into my life through my mind, an avenue that will control my heart if I neglect my relationship with the Lord. You see, it is Satan's job to use any avenue he can to distract us away from our Maker, our Creator, the One True God, who made each of us with His holy purpose in mind.

I hesitate to tell this story, not knowing who will read it, almost fearing those whom it is about might read it. But, it is a part of my testimony. Years ago, as a young professional whose dream was to climb the corporate ladder, I struggled if I perceived that others advanced without paying dues like I did. Shoot, how was I to know whether or not anyone else paid their dues? Anyway, I remember one day whining to God, like a little kid whose mama just told her no, "God, why is that fair? Why does so and so get to do that, and I don't?"

As audibly as my mama talking back to me God said, "I have blessed you, have I not? Can I not bless "so and so" too?" Holy cow. That slapped me in the face, affectionately I might add, just like my mama did when I lipped off to her as a teenager. :)

I can tell you where I was, physically when that conversation between me and God occurred. Not that the location matters, but just to illustrate to you how profound that moment was and forever burned into my memory. I was on Highway 65, headed north, right between two bridges that crossed over that road, only a half-mile apart.

Between those two bridges, in that short span of space and time. God literally changed my life forever with a message that still resonates and revisits me to this very day.

I'm human, and I have an ego. My personality is out-front, and attention-seeking. So, when others are in that role, whether it is at work, church, or wherever, over the course of my life, it has stung me a little--like I think I should be the only one who ever should get attention. Good grief!

Even if you're a person who is not out-front with an ego like me, I know struggles with comparing ourselves to others still exist. All of us, no matter our personality makeup, from time to time wrestle with our minds as it criticizes ourselves because we aren't as good as the person in the cubicle next to us; not as talented as the guy down the road; not as popular as the girl next door; not as trusted as the worker down the hall.

I write and share this because I know others struggle with this crazy issue as well. Many of you have told me directly that you do. I guess I just want you to know, you're not alone; not just because a lot of us are in this boat, but because God is with us, if we'll just remember that.

While we are busy coveting, being jealous and envious, or being critical, we are failing to strive to be like the One who truly is our example: Christ. And, here is right where Satan wants us. And the irony is, that where we are physically in that moment, is where Christ wants us, too. If we follow the fork in the road where Satan is trying to lead us, the fork that leads to self-pity, self-doubt, anger, strife, or jealousy, we will consequently lose sight of Christ. If we follow the road where Jesus is leading, then in our walk with Him, and our time spent in relationship with Him, we hopefully will model our lives after Him.

God has a purpose for all of us where we are in every moment. That purpose could be as simple as keeping our mouth shut, or as bold as honestly speaking truth to a friend.  Either way, our role in whichever moment or span in time we find ourselves is valuable. Your role is valuable to my life, and my role is valuable to yours. Because, in the body of Christ, we are all necessary, interworking, and moving parts that bring God glory.

Go read I Corinthians 12, especially beginning in verse twelve. "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." Read it all!

Be encouraged today in that God made you who you are, and has you where you are, for a reason. Trust God, not man. May we strive to be Christlike, and not peer-like. Whether God speaks to you between two bridges, or in your quiet time, just be sure to listen.